The Tale of Moana
Disney The Tale of Moana” brings Moana’s adventurous tale to life, for the first time on stage, in the Walt Disney Theatre aboard Disney Cruise Line’s newest ship, the Disney Treasure. With set design and music bursting with elements of Pacific Islands culture that inspires the classic coming-of-age tale, this innovative production will immerse audiences in a transformational adventure across land and sea. Guests will experience Moana’s story like never before, showcasing new songs, large scale puppeteering, and innovative special effects.
In December 2024, the curtain will open on a brand-new original Broadway-style production on the Disney Treasure. Joining a dazzling lineup of fan-favorite shows including “Beauty and the Beast” and “Disney Seas the Adventure,” will be none other than “Disney The Tale of Moana.” Debuting exclusively at the Walt Disney Theatre onboard the Disney Treasure, “Disney The Tale of Moana” will bring the adventurous journey of Moana, inspired by the Walt Disney Animation Studios film, to center stage for the first time. The show will follow Moana as she embarks on an incredible journey to save her island after she is chosen by the ocean to restore the heart of Te Fiti. Fans of the original film will recognize many beloved characters like Gramma Tala, Maui and Tamatoa when they appear on stage, as well as songs from the film’s iconic soundtrack.
Disney says the show will be exclusive to the Disney Treasure with 1,274 seats
Stage adaptation was adapted by Anna K. Jacobs
Directed by Connor Gallagher
Choreography from Peter Rockford Espiritu and Gallagher
Show is roughly 1 hour and 5 minutes long features Lin-Manuel Miranda and Opetaia Foa’i's songs
Great article by Playbill:
First Look New Rendering from “Disney The Tale of Moana” Premiering on Disney Treasure Later This Year
“Disney The Tale of Moana,” the Broadway-style show debuting on the Disney Treasure later this year, will bring Moana’s unforgettable coming-of-age adventures from the Walt Disney Animation Studios film to live audiences for the first time – and we’re sharing a first look from one of the key climactic moments from the production.
The scene depicts Moana as she takes her final stand against Te Kā, the fiery lava-wielding foe who will appear on stage as an incredible fifteen-foot-tall puppet, the largest puppet ever produced for a Disney Cruise Line show. “Disney The Tale of Moana” will also portray Moana’s courageous determination to restore the heart of Te Fiti and the resulting transformation of the Te Kā puppet into her true self, a stunning green goddess.
Audiences will see many of their favorite characters from the film reimagined as puppets, including a young version of Moana. The captivating array of puppetry is being developed for the show by Jeff Conover, creative director of puppetry and articulation for Disney Live Entertainment, and Michael Curry, whose previous credits include “The Lion King” on Broadway.
Disney Treasure Broadway SHow
Disney The Tale of Moana
Additionally, Josh revealed new details about the Disney Treasure — setting sail later this year! — where guests will get to see the brand-new stage production, “Disney The Tale of Moana.” The show will also include a giant puppet on stage.
“Te Kā will appear onstage as a 15-foot-tall puppet – the largest we’ve ever produced for a Disney Cruise Line show,” Josh told the crowd. “I’ve had a chance to see this in person, and it is stunning.”
“At Disney Experiences, Imagineers dream, create, design and build these stories into real places. And we have Imagineers in place right now all around the world because everything we’re going to share with you is in active development. Plans are drawn. Dirt is moving. I just want to be clear about this: We are doing everything you’re going to hear tonight.”
Learn more here about Disney Treasure
First Look at New Disney Treasure ‘Moana’ Show
Today, I’m excited to share more details about “Disney The Tale of Moana,” which will debut exclusively at the Walt Disney Theatre onboard the Disney Treasure cruise ship in December 2024. With set design and music bursting with elements of Pacific Islands culture that inspires the classic coming-of-age tale, this innovative production will immerse audiences in a transformational adventure across land and sea.
“Disney The Tale of Moana” will begin in modern day on the fictional island of Motunui, in a set design filled with hints of brilliant Pacific Island cultures that will appear throughout the show.
The Walt Disney Theatre will transform from the island of Motunui into the open ocean as Moana’s journey moves from her home to the great voyage that she’s longed for her entire life. Twinkling stars will swirl overhead and a giant, glowing manta ray will emerge and soar above the audience as a newfound sense of courage fills Moana.
Read on for more details and a sneak peek of how “Disney The Tale of Moana” will come to life in the first stage adaptation inspired by the Walt Disney Animation Studios film.
Towering Puppets Take Stage
To create puppetry that soars to mythical heights, Disney Live Entertainment creative director of puppetry and articulation, Jeff Conover, teamed up with master puppet designer Michael Curry, whose creations are featured in Disney’s Tony Award-winning musical “The Lion King” on Broadway. The massive, fiery Te Kā will be a puppet of a scale Disney Cruise Line has never before produced. When Moana meets Te Kā and restores the heart of Te Fiti, the giant Te Kā puppet will shed its fiery shell and become the gentle island goddess, Te Fiti herself.
Practice Your “Warrior Face”
Moana and Maui will perform the song “Warrior Face” for the first time in the stage show when the demigod teaches Moana how to face her fears before entering the Realm of the Monsters to face Tamatoa. “Warrior Face” will join classic favorites from the Grammy-Award winning soundtrack in the stage show, including “You’re Welcome,” “We Know The Way” and “How Far I’ll Go.”
Setting the Scene in “An Innocent Warrior”
“Disney The Tale of Moana” will begin in modern day on the fictional island of Motunui, in a set design filled with hints of brilliant cultures of the Pacific Islands that will appear throughout the show. The spirit of Gramma Tala, our narrator, will introduce her granddaughter, while through vibrant dance and songs in a mix of languages including Tuvaluan, Tokelauan and Samoan, we will learn how the ocean chooses young Moana for an incredible journey to restore the heart of Te Fiti.
Transforming The Walt Disney Theatre in “How Far I’ll Go”
In this iconic scene, The Walt Disney Theatre will transform from the island of Motunui into the open ocean as Moana’s journey moves from her home to the great voyage that she’s longed for her entire life. Twinkling stars will swirl overhead and a giant, glowing manta ray will emerge and soar above the audience as a newfound sense of courage fills Moana. The manta ray is the spirit of Gramma Tala, illuminating the way for Moana on her journey to save her people.
This show looks stunning, and I cannot wait to see Moana’s incredible story unfold in a new way on the Disney Treasure! “Disney The Tale of Moana” will join a dazzling lineup of fan-favorite shows like “Beauty and the Beast” and “Disney Seas the Adventure” in the Walt Disney Theatre.
Keep an eye on the Disney Parks Blog for more details about the Disney Treasure as we count down the days until it sets sail in December 2024.
Repost from Disney Parks Blog
History Of The Show
Disney Treasure
December 2024 - present