Discovery Trail

  • Sandy path takes you past impressive rock formations as you wind your way around to the light station. It was so quiet at one point that I couldn’t even hear the ocean. Along the way, there are water stations to keep you hydrated and more QR codes to learn about the native wildlife. Including 5 Indigenous creatures you will meet scattered across the island: Sandy Crab, Queenie Moth, Lizzie Curly Tailed Lizard, and more.

  • Where you’ll discover Eleuthera’s beautiful scenery leading to the easternmost end of the island, taking in the incredible views of the Atlantic Ocean. Along the way, bronze sculptures introduce you to indigenous animals, including money bat moths, curly-tailed lizards and land crabs.

  • Features bronze sculptures of native wildlife

  • This self-paced scavenger hunt takes you throughout Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point, exploring the wondrous wildlife, flora, geography, and cultural elements that make Eleuthera unique. Scan QR codes with your mobile device to inlock information about these points of interest!

  • See how many you can find on your adventure today” And if you need a break, come back to this page – here’s a one stop shop for all the points.

  • Wildlife

  • Curly-Tailed Lizard

  • Great Lizard-Cuckoo

  • Land Crab

  • Money Bath Moth

  • Queen Conch

  • Flora

  • Lignum Vitae Tree

  • Wild Sage

  • Sea Grape Tree

  • Horse Flesh Mahogany Tree

  • Wild Sapodilla Tree

  • Geography

  • Coral Reefs

  • Salt Ponds

  • Limestone Cliffs

  • The Beach

  • The Lighthouse

  • Arts & Culture

  • Dorman Stubbs

  • Kishan Munroe

  • Imogene Walkine

  • Philip and Michelle Kemp

  • Antonius Roberts

Magic August 2024